Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Nice Review

I found a nice review for Angus MacMouse and thought I would share it.

I didn't want to start off MouseSqueaks with a lot of chatter about my own book.  I thought that might get boring pretty quickly, and it seemed rather uncouth as well.  Better to talk about writing and books in general.

But, since Angus is really the driving force (although a diminutive one!) behind MouseSqueaks, I really should mention him once in a while, right?

So, here is a link to the review, if you'd care to take a peek.

Thank you to "Curled Up With A Good Kid's Book," and especially the reviewer, Bob Walch.  I like that he mentions the opera connection, because that is such a huge part of the story.  Angus could not exist without opera!

Here is the link:


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