Happy day after Christmas! I hope everyone had a joyous holiday.
I wanted to talk about one of my favorite Christmas books–– which I should have done
before Christmas–– but I got a little behind in the wrapping, and the baking, and the mailing, and all the little details that needed to be done.
Anyway, if you love picture books, as I do, you can keep this one in mind for next year's 'wish list.'
The Mole Family's Christmas, by Russell Hoban and illustrated by Lillian Hoban, was given to my daughter when she was little, and I'm sorry to say that it's out of print. (But, of course, you can still get it on Amazon.) It is SO delightful.

The Washington Post said, "An endearing family of moles who spend their time tunneling in the dark and know nothing of Christmas discover that it is not just for people, but can also bring happiness to nearsighted little moles if they show ingenuity and courage."
The Mole family works hard tunneling under the ground every day. But one night the Moles' son, Delver, digs his way to the surface where he meets two extremely helpful
mice. The lady mouse tells Delver about the stars. She says, "It's almost like singing, you might say, the way they glimmer and shine, isn't it?" But, of course, being very nearsighted, Delver can't see the stars.
The other mouse tells Delver about Christmas, and "the fat man in the red suit" who "comes puffing and wheezing down the chimney, puts knicknacks and candy in stockings, leaves all kinds of packages around, says 'Ho, ho, ho,' and goes huffing and puffing up the chimney again. It's quite an odd thing really, but he does it only once a year, and nobody seems to mind."
So, Delver, a very clever little mole, figures out a way for the 'fat man in the red suit' to help the Mole family finally be able to see the stars.
Lillian Hoban's illustrations bring the characters to life with charm and a touch of humor.
I love this book, and if you love picture books, I hope you can find a copy to add to your collection.