Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Fine Art of Waiting

If you're a writer, hoping to be published, and you're not a patient person–– you're in trouble!

As we all know, the publishing business moves at its own pace, which is only slightly faster than a glacier.

I finished my new story in mid-August and sent it off to New York.  YAY!  But the relief of sending it off didn't last very long.  Soon it was replaced by anxiously looking at the calendar several times a day.  ("Has it really been only a week?  It seems SO much longer!")

I'm sure I was spoiled by my first experience with Angus MacMouse.  Miraculously, it only took about five weeks before Bloomsbury made an offer.  I'm heading into week five now, so every day the nagging little voice in my head says, "What if no one likes it?"

They say the best thing to do is to get busy on your next story.  OK.  I sat at the computer today.  I checked e-mails.  I did some research.  I did a little re-writing, but I couldn't write anything new; the story just isn't flowing, and I'm getting frustrated with it.

It's time for 'Plan B.'  Actually, I'm rather fond of 'Plan B.'  I think today it's going to be ginger ice cream with chocolate sauce.  That should chase away the evils of waiting...



My prescription for impatience.

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